- I was a good girl, I didn't take a picture of one of our local's finest enjoying his coffee and bacon donut @DonutJoes #donuts ->
Daily Tweets for 2012-10-16
- So I'm trying to get an online mag published while watching #debate tweets. Been doing battle with the server again 🙁 http://t.co/ZDXWKE0e ->
Daily Tweets for 2012-10-15
- This is what I used to do in the #AirForce PRECISION MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT LABORATORY – http://t.co/nHuDxoDX http://t.co/ADIpC72i ->
Daily Tweets for 2012-10-03
- I just added money to my "Mediterranean Cruise" savings goal on @SmartyPig! http://t.co/kSJjgWNk #SmartyPigGoal ->