- Wishing everyone a happy Independence Day and thanking those who gave it all to keep it that way! ->
Daily Tweets for 2012-06-29
- Got to meet Megan's new boyfriend today. Seems like a nice guy. ->
Daily Tweets for 2012-06-27
- Not good RT @spann: WOW RT @Allismith4: A view of the Airforce Academy Chapel. #WaldoCanyonFire http://t.co/3spZWlv3 ->
- Heated discussions going on at IOMUG about the new MacBook "Pro" not being upgradable, no ethernet or drive. Call it MacBook Air NOT Pro ->
Daily Tweets for 2012-06-22
- Looking for jobs/job training programs for Type 1 Diabetics #diabetes ->
- Bucket list!!! RT @BlueAngels: KDKA's Heather Abraham flies with the Blue Angels… http://t.co/2pcmWNLw ->