Sorry there haven’t been more updates, I’ve been busy making lemonade. Going from an Emergency Conservator into an Administrator roll has been trying at best. The details are best left unwritten.
My 15 minutes of fame
The WordPress admin is demanding that I make a number of updates. These never seem to go well for me. I wanted to at least make a brief post before I head off into never-never land.
I should be happy that my business has kept me so busy that I haven’t had time to post any updates, but I’m also being worn to a frazzle.
On top of work, I am also a long distance care giver and I’m about to enter into becoming a Conservator for an “uncle-in-law”.
I’ve had a friend who does a lot of writing suggest that I do a blog post about all my mask making experiences, again, I’m so swamped with “stuff” that I haven’t even made a couple of masks I promised two weeks ago.
Yeah, I’m tired…see you on the other side of this update.
The new “normal”