If I could ever buy an island, I think I’d name it Black Sheep Island.
I think I almost have everything back on track again with WordPress and also with my photo gallery. I’m also trying to get Twitter tied back in, it seems to have stopped posting over a year ago, around the time the heat pump died. How ironic.
Now do I have the time to keep them up to date? That’s a different story.
Now to figure out why the last picture I tried to post is huge…
Daisies 2014
I’ve got two different types of daisies growing in my garden. These here bloom after the first type and have pretty much pushed the others in to non-existence. I took the seeds from the first type and scattered them around the rest of the garden in hopes that they will sprout next spring.
I added a solar-powered LED lit hummingbird, it reminds me of my mom.
Working in photos
So it’s been almost a year and I’m finally trying to do something about the photo gallery. I tried almost every suggestion I could find to fix the current application and just could not get it to come back. So I’m upgrading to next version of application. Now I’m trying to import 2008 images into it. I suspect it will take all weekend.