What an open-ended statement. Yes, it has been a year since my dad passed away. It’s been a year since my mother-in-law passed away. It’s been a year filled with yet another ending like 2021’s.
For all you betting that it would be my knees to be “rebuilt” first, you would have lost. The first piece of titanium that has put me on the road to becoming a bionic woman was placed in my neck. I had to have my C-7 and T-1 vertebra fused together with an (as the doctor put it) postage stamp-sized piece of metal and a couple of screws that I will get to keep forever.
I’ve had a “few” surgeries (8 on my knees alone) but this was the first one that really scared me. Scared me to the point that made me realize I really do need to “get my affairs in order” (as they say). Geez, I don’t even know where I’d like to be buried. I say, if you plan to visit my grave on a regular basis, then let’s make it nearby. If not, then maybe Quantico National Cemetery.
Then there has been the talk of when I will retire. That would need to be separated into two answers, one would be when would I start drawing Social Security and when would I actually stop working. While I have a timeframe in mind for the first half of the question, I don’t have an answer for the second half. I don’t have a lot of answers…
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